When Battling Burnout, Timing is Everything

As business owners and leaders, we face the ever-present pressure to do more, be better, and work harder.  Our society has normalized burnout to the point that we’ve all been conditioned to believe we can always hustle harder and put in more hours.  It’s up to each of us to consciously choose differently to avoid the default mode of chronic burnout and design more supportive, aligned options, personally and professionally.  We don’t expect our car to drive optimally on a flat tire – so why do we expect ourselves to function optimally without truly honoring our needs? If we don’t stop to refuel, change our oil, and address the ‘check engine’ light, we’re asking for trouble, not to mention setting a terrible example for our team. Contrary to cultural programming, burnout is not a badge of honor. It’s time we shift that narrative and truly embrace working smarter – not harder. 

As leaders, we tend to have a lot of ideas about business growth and development; deciding which ideas to implement, and when, is of paramount strategic importance. If we try to do everything at once, nothing will be done well. Instead, when we place intention behind deciding what to do, and in what order, the difference in our results can be exponential. 

This very blog is one such example. For years, I planned to start a monthly blog that brings value to my community.  I was excited to share about my journey and the lessons I’ve gathered along the way. But here’s the truth: I didn’t launch it immediately. I often felt resistant and overwhelmed when beginning to plan for its launch. Despite my passion for writing, business development, and desire to be of service, I knew I had to honor my gut and my bandwidth. I already felt like I was juggling too many projects. I reminded myself of the old parable: I can do anything, but not everything. When I took honest stock of my situation, I had to accept that this was not only best for me, but also my business.  I ensured the blog was put on my list of goals, but not my current triage of priorities. It was clear that pushing myself to do too many things at once would ultimately lead to burnout. Instead, I trusted the process and the right timing, allowing the blog to unfold when I was able to give it the attention it deserved. Timing truly is everything.

The same principle applies to every area of business, and life. We often know something could be great for us, and may have a strong desire to pursue it, but it’s crucial that we also listen to our gut. Realizing that not everything needs to (or can) happen at once makes a massive difference.  Even with the support of a top-notch executive assistant (EA), we, as leaders, are still human and sometimes we’re not in the flow – and that’s okay. There’s power in recognizing when to act and when to take an intentional pause. I never advise clients to do anything I’ve not personally tried or experienced. I’m transparent with my EA and lean on her as a strategic partner. I share my goals with her and she helps me manage the list in a time-appropriate manner, based on what’s in alignment for me, my bandwidth, and my business. 

Burnout happens when we push past our limits, convincing ourselves that success requires sacrifice and suffering – this is false. Burnout is the antithesis of success. Real success is subjective, holistic, and sustainable. It comes when we honor our capacity and understand that asking for help doesn’t make us weak – it’s a sign of courage.  

What does success look like for you

One of the biggest lessons repeatedly instilled along my own journey is the importance of having the right support from a seasoned EA. Buying back your time by surrounding yourself with people who can help optimize your productivity is an invaluable asset; and to paraphrase Robert Kiyosaki, assets put money in our pockets, and liabilities cost us. 

So as we enter the final quarter of 2024, I invite you to take a step back and assess how you’re feeling. How are you feeling about your long-term goals? Do you have a crystal clear plan laid out? Are you achieving everything you need to accomplish those goals in your desired timeline? If the answer isn’t a resounding, full-body ‘YES,’ then it’s time to bring in the right support who can help you move forward with clarity, strength, and revitalized resolve so that by the end of the first quarter of 2025, you can know you’ll be confidently answering those questions with that full-body ‘YES!’ 

Timing is everything – you deserve to THRIVE, not just survive. 

Let’s connect and discuss how we can create sustainable, holistic success that feels energizing and aligned – for you, your goals, and your business. 

As always, I’m here to support you on your leadership journey.

From there, we match you with the expert Crew Members to get it done!

It's Time

Are you ready to see how much further you can go with the right Crew by your side? Book your 30-minute complimentary consultation call with our Founder, Hayden Orme. 

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